Bun is Adding Javascript at the Top of the Transpiled Javascript Output: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Delcine - hkhazo.biz.id

Bun is Adding Javascript at the Top of the Transpiled Javascript Output: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky JavaScript issues in your Bun project? Do you find yourself scratching your head over why your code isn’t working as expected? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Bun and explore the phenomenon of JavaScript being added to the top of the transpiled JavaScript output. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this issue head-on and get your project up and running smoothly.

What is Bun?

Before we dive into the meat of the issue, let’s take a step back and talk about what Bun is. Bun is a fast, lightweight, and modern JavaScript runtime that’s designed to be a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It’s built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine and provides a robust set of features that make it an attractive option for developers. With Bun, you can run your JavaScript code faster and more efficiently, making it perfect for high-performance applications.

The Issue: JavaScript Being Added to the Top of the Transpiled Output

Now that we’ve covered what Bun is, let’s talk about the issue at hand. When you run your JavaScript code through Bun’s transpiler, you may notice that some JavaScript code is being added to the top of the transpiled output. This can be confusing, especially if you’re not expecting it. But fear not, dear reader! This is a normal behavior, and it’s actually a feature of Bun.

Why Does Bun Add JavaScript to the Top of the Transpiled Output?

So, why does Bun add JavaScript to the top of the transpiled output? The reason is simple: it’s a way for Bun to inject its own runtime code into your project. This code is responsible for setting up the runtime environment and providing the necessary functionality for your code to run correctly. Think of it as a bootstrap process that gets your code up and running.

What Kind of Code Does Bun Add?

So, what kind of code does Bun add to the top of the transpiled output? The code that Bun adds is usually related to the following:

  • Global variable definitions: Bun adds definitions for global variables such as console, process, and require.
  • Runtime helpers: Bun adds helpers for runtime functions such as setTimeout(), setInterval(), and clearTimeout().
  • Polyfills: Bun adds polyfills for JavaScript features that are not supported in older browsers or environments.
  • Module registration: Bun adds code to register your modules and make them available to the runtime.

How to Work with Bun’s Added Code

Now that we’ve covered why Bun adds code to the top of the transpiled output, let’s talk about how to work with it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate this added code:

Understanding the Code

The first step in working with Bun’s added code is to understand what’s being added. Take some time to review the code that Bun adds to the top of your transpiled output. You can do this by running your code through Bun’s transpiler with the --verbose flag, like this:

bun compile --verbose your_code.js

This will output the transpiled code, including the added code from Bun. Take some time to review this code and understand what’s being added.

Ignoring the Added Code

Sometimes, you might not want Bun to add code to the top of your transpiled output. Maybe you’re working on a project that has strict coding standards, or perhaps you’re trying to minimize the amount of code in your output. Whatever the reason, Bun provides an option to ignore the added code. You can do this by using the --no-bun-js flag, like this:

bun compile --no-bun-js your_code.js

This will tell Bun not to add its own code to the top of the transpiled output. Keep in mind that this might affect the functionality of your code, so use this flag with caution.

Customizing the Added Code

What if you want to customize the code that Bun adds to the top of your transpiled output? Maybe you want to add your own runtime helpers or polyfills. Bun provides an option to do just that. You can use the --inject flag to inject your own code into the transpiled output, like this:

bun compile --inject your_custom_code.js your_code.js

This will inject your custom code into the transpiled output, allowing you to customize the runtime environment to your heart’s content.


And there you have it, folks! Bun’s behavior of adding JavaScript to the top of the transpiled output is a normal and necessary part of the transpilation process. By understanding what’s being added and how to work with it, you can harness the power of Bun to build fast, efficient, and modern JavaScript applications. Remember to review the added code, ignore it if necessary, and customize it to your heart’s content.


Q: Why does Bun add code to the top of the transpiled output?
A: Bun adds code to the top of the transpiled output to set up the runtime environment and provide necessary functionality for your code to run correctly.

Q: Can I ignore the added code?
A: Yes, you can ignore the added code by using the --no-bun-js flag.

Q: Can I customize the added code?
A: Yes, you can customize the added code by using the --inject flag to inject your own code into the transpiled output.

Flag Description
--verbose Outputs the transpiled code, including the added code from Bun.
--no-bun-js Ignores the added code from Bun.
--inject Injects custom code into the transpiled output.

By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Bun and creating fast, efficient, and modern JavaScript applications. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know more about how Bun is adding Javascript at the top of the transpiled Javascript output!

What is the purpose of adding Javascript at the top of the transpiled Javascript output in Bun?

Bun adds Javascript at the top of the transpiled Javascript output to provide a set of utility functions and polyfills that ensure compatibility with various environments and browsers. This allows developers to write modern Javascript code without worrying about compatibility issues.

What kind of utility functions and polyfills are included in the added Javascript?

The added Javascript includes various utility functions such as `console.log` and `setTimeout`, as well as polyfills for modern Javascript features like `Promise` and `Array.prototype.includes`. These utility functions and polyfills enable developers to write modern, concise, and efficient code that works across different environments.

Can I customize or remove the added Javascript in Bun?

Yes, you can customize or remove the added Javascript in Bun by using the `–no-bun-runtime` flag or by configuring the `runtime` option in your `bun.config.js` file. This allows you to tailor the added Javascript to your specific needs or completely opt-out of it if you’re using your own custom runtime.

How does the added Javascript affect the performance of my application?

The added Javascript in Bun is optimized for performance and has a negligible impact on the overall performance of your application. In fact, the utility functions and polyfills provided by Bun can often improve performance by allowing your code to run more efficiently and with fewer compatibility issues.

Is the added Javascript compatible with other bundlers and tools?

Yes, the added Javascript in Bun is designed to be compatible with other bundlers and tools, such as Webpack and Rollup. Bun’s runtime is also fully interoperable with other build tools, making it easy to integrate into your existing workflow.