Mastering Angular i18n: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Locales
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Mastering Angular i18n: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Locales

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Are you tired of dealing with language barriers in your Angular application? Do you want to provide a seamless user experience for your global users? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of setting locales in Angular i18n. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of internationalization and localization.

What is Angular i18n?

Angular i18n (Internationalization and Localization) is a built-in module that allows you to adapt your application to different languages and regions. It provides a set of tools and APIs to help you manage translations, date and time formats, currencies, and more. With Angular i18n, you can create a single application that caters to a global audience, making it a must-have feature for any modern web application.

Why Set Locales in Angular i18n?

Setting locales in Angular i18n is crucial for several reasons:

  • Language Support**: By setting locales, you can provide support for different languages, allowing users to switch between languages seamlessly.
  • Regional Formatting**: Locales help format dates, times, currencies, and numbers according to regional standards, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • User Experience**: By adapting to local preferences, you can enhance the overall user experience, making your application more user-friendly and accessible.
  • SEO Benefits**: Search engines can better understand your application’s content and structure when you provide locale-specific metadata, improving your search engine ranking.

Setting Up Angular i18n

Before we dive into setting locales, make sure you have Angular i18n installed and configured in your project:

ng add @angular/localize

This command will install the necessary dependencies and configure Angular i18n in your project.

Creating a Locale Configuration File

Next, create a new file called `locale.config.ts` in your project’s root directory:

touch locale.config.ts

In this file, add the following configuration:

import {registerLocaleData} from '@angular/common';
import localeEn from '@angular/common/locales/en';
import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';

registerLocaleData(localeEn, 'en');
registerLocaleData(localeFr, 'fr');

This configuration registers the English (en) and French (fr) locales. You can add more locales as needed.

Setting the Default Locale

In your `app.module.ts` file, add the following code to set the default locale:

import {LOCALE_ID} from '@angular/core';
import {localeConfig} from './locale.config';

  providers: [
    { provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'en' } // Set the default locale to English
export class AppModule {}

This code sets the default locale to English (en). You can change this to any locale you prefer.

Using the Locale Service

The Locale Service provides a way to switch between locales programmatically. Create a new service called `locale.service.ts`:

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {LOCALE_ID} from '@angular/core';
import {localeConfig} from './locale.config';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class LocaleService {

  private locales = localeConfig;

  constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string) { }

  setLocale(locale: string): void {

  getLocale(): string {
    return this.locale;


This service provides a way to set and get the current locale.

Switching Between Locales

To switch between locales, create a component with a dropdown list of available locales:

<select (change)="localeService.setLocale($">
  <option *ngFor="let locale of localeService.locales | keyvalue" [value]="locale.key">{{ locale.key }}</option>

This code uses the `LocaleService` to switch between locales when the user selects a new option.

Format Dates and Times

Angular i18n provides a set of pipes to format dates and times according to the current locale. Use the `date` pipe to format dates:

<p>Today is {{ today | date : 'shortDate' }}</p>

This code formats the current date using the short date format (e.g., 2023-02-16).

Format Currencies and Numbers

Use the `currency` and `number` pipes to format currencies and numbers according to the current locale:

<p>Price: {{ price | currency : 'EUR' }}</p>
<p>Quantity: {{ quantity | number }}</p>

This code formats the price using the Euro currency symbol (€) and the quantity using the default number format.

Using Localization IDs

In addition to formatting dates, times, currencies, and numbers, you can use localization IDs to provide translated content. Create a new file called `translations.json`:

  "en": {
    "hello": "Hello!",
    "goodbye": "Goodbye!"
  "fr": {
    "hello": "Bonjour!",
    "goodbye": "Au revoir!"

This file contains translated content for English and French.

Using the Translate Pipe

Use the `translate` pipe to display translated content:

<p>{{ 'hello' | translate }}</p>

This code displays the translated “hello” message according to the current locale.


And that’s it! You now have a comprehensive guide to setting locales in Angular i18n. By following these steps, you can provide a seamless user experience for your global users. Remember to adapt to local preferences, format dates, times, currencies, and numbers, and use localization IDs to provide translated content.

Locale Code Language Region
en English United States
fr French France
es Spanish Spain

Don’t forget to explore the official Angular i18n documentation for more advanced features and customization options. Happy coding!

  1. Angular i18n Official Documentation
  2. Angular CLI i18n Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to dive into the world of Angular i18n and set locales like a pro!

What is the main purpose of setting locales in Angular i18n?

Setting locales in Angular i18n allows you to adapt your application to different regions and languages, providing an optimal user experience. It enables you to format dates, numbers, and currencies according to the target locale, making your app more culturally sensitive and user-friendly.

How do I set a default locale in Angular i18n?

You can set a default locale by importing the `LOCALE_ID` token and setting its value to the desired locale in your Angular module. For example, `providers: [{ provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: ‘en-US’ }]`. This will set the default locale to English (United States).

Can I set multiple locales in Angular i18n?

Yes, you can set multiple locales in Angular i18n using the `registerLocale` function. This function allows you to register multiple locales and switch between them dynamically. For example, `registerLocale(‘fr’, frLocale); registerLocale(‘es’, esLocale);`.

How do I format dates and numbers according to the locale in Angular i18n?

You can use the `DatePipe` and `DecimalPipe` to format dates and numbers according to the locale. These pipes will automatically apply the locale-specific formatting rules. For example, `{{ date | date : ‘shortDate’ }}` will format the date according to the locale’s short date format.

Can I use third-party libraries to extend Angular i18n’s locale capabilities?

Yes, you can use third-party libraries like `@ngx-translate` or `ngxlocales` to extend Angular i18n’s locale capabilities. These libraries provide additional features and functionalities to simplify the internationalization process.

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