This Coding Works Great for a Single Criteria, but How Would You Modify it for Several Criteria?
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This Coding Works Great for a Single Criteria, but How Would You Modify it for Several Criteria?

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As developers, we’ve all been there – we’ve spent hours perfecting our code for a single criteria, only to realize that we need to adapt it to accommodate multiple criteria. It’s like building a beautiful house, only to find out that you need to add more rooms, floors, and even a backyard! In this article, we’ll explore how to modify your coding to handle multiple criteria with ease.

The Problem: Single Criteria Coding

Let’s say you’re building a simple calculator that takes in a user’s age and returns a message based on their age group. You write a sleek piece of code that works like a charm:

function determineAgeGroup(age) {
  if (age < 18) {
    return "You're a minor!";
  } else if (age < 30) {
    return "You're a young adult!";
  } else if (age < 60) {
    return "You're an adult!";
  } else {
    return "You're a senior!";

This code is neat, concise, and gets the job done. But what if you need to add more criteria to the mix? What if you need to consider not just age, but also location, occupation, and interest in cat videos? Suddenly, your simple calculator has become a complex behemoth!

The Solution: Modular Coding

One approach to tackling multiple criteria is to break down your code into smaller, modular functions. Each function focuses on a specific criterion, making it easier to add or remove criteria as needed. Let’s refactor our age calculator using this approach:

function determineAgeGroup(age) {
  if (age < 18) {
    return "minor";
  } else if (age < 30) {
    return "young adult";
  } else if (age < 60) {
    return "adult";
  } else {
    return "senior";

function determineLocationGroup(location) {
  if (location === "city") {
    return "urban dweller";
  } else if (location === "suburbs") {
    return "suburbanite";
  } else {
    return "rural resident";

function determineOccupationGroup(occupation) {
  if (occupation === "developer") {
    return "tech savvy";
  } else if (occupation === "artist") {
    return "creative type";
  } else {
    return "unknown";

function calculateCriteria(user) {
  let ageGroup = determineAgeGroup(user.age);
  let locationGroup = determineLocationGroup(user.location);
  let occupationGroup = determineOccupationGroup(user.occupation);
  return `${ageGroup} ${locationGroup} ${occupationGroup}`;

In this refactored code, we’ve broken down the single criteria into three separate functions: `determineAgeGroup`, `determineLocationGroup`, and `determineOccupationGroup`. Each function focuses on its specific criterion, making it easy to add or remove criteria as needed. The `calculateCriteria` function then combines the results of each criterion to produce a final message.

Using Arrays and Objects to Handle Multiple Criteria

Another approach to handling multiple criteria is to use arrays and objects to store and manipulate the data. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures or large datasets. Let’s modify our code to use an array of criteria and an object to store the user’s data:

let criteria = [
    name: "age",
    func: function(age) {
      if (age < 18) {
        return "minor";
      } else if (age < 30) {
        return "young adult";
      } else if (age < 60) {
        return "adult";
      } else {
        return "senior";
    name: "location",
    func: function(location) {
      if (location === "city") {
        return "urban dweller";
      } else if (location === "suburbs") {
        return "suburbanite";
      } else {
        return "rural resident";
    name: "occupation",
    func: function(occupation) {
      if (occupation === "developer") {
        return "tech savvy";
      } else if (occupation === "artist") {
        return "creative type";
      } else {
        return "unknown";

let userData = {
  age: 25,
  location: "city",
  occupation: "developer"

function calculateCriteria(userData) {
  let results = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < criteria.length; i++) {
    let criterion = criteria[i];
    let result = criterion.func(userData[]);
  return results.join(" ");

In this code, we’ve defined an array of criteria, each with a `name` property and a `func` property that contains the logic for evaluating that criterion. We’ve also defined an object `userData` that stores the user’s data. The `calculateCriteria` function iterates through the criteria array, applies each criterion’s logic to the user data, and stores the results in an array. Finally, it returns the results as a single string, separated by spaces.

Using a Switch Statement to Handle Multiple Criteria

Another approach to handling multiple criteria is to use a switch statement. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with a small number of criteria and simple logic. Let’s modify our code to use a switch statement:

function calculateCriteria(userData) {
  let result = "";
  switch (userData.age) {
    case userData.age < 18:
      result += "minor";
    case userData.age < 30:
      result += "young adult";
    case userData.age < 60:
      result += "adult";
      result += "senior";
  switch (userData.location) {
    case "city":
      result += " urban dweller";
    case "suburbs":
      result += " suburbanite";
      result += " rural resident";
  switch (userData.occupation) {
    case "developer":
      result += " tech savvy";
    case "artist":
      result += " creative type";
      result += " unknown";
  return result.trim();

In this code, we’ve used a switch statement to evaluate each criterion and concatenate the results to produce the final message. Note that we’ve used the `break` statement to exit each switch block once a match is found, and the `default` clause to catch any remaining cases.

Best Practices for Handling Multiple Criteria

When dealing with multiple criteria, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure your code remains maintainable, scalable, and efficient. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep it Simple, Stupid (KISS): Avoid overcomplicating your code. Break down complex logic into smaller, manageable functions or modules.
  • Use Modular Code: Break down your code into smaller, reusable functions or modules. This makes it easier to add or remove criteria as needed.
  • Use Arrays and Objects: Use arrays and objects to store and manipulate data. This makes it easier to work with complex data structures and large datasets.
  • Use Descriptive Variable Names: Use descriptive variable names to ensure your code is easy to understand and maintain.
  • Test, Test, Test: Thoroughly test your code to ensure it works as expected, even with varying input and edge cases.


In conclusion, handling multiple criteria in your coding can be a daunting task, but with the right approaches and best practices, it can be a breeze. By breaking down your code into smaller, modular functions, using arrays and objects to store and manipulate data, and following best practices, you can create efficient, scalable, and maintainable code that handles multiple criteria with ease. So, the next time you’re faced with the challenge of handling multiple criteria, remember: it’s not as complex as it seems!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about modifying code for multiple criteria!

How do I modify the code to filter by multiple criteria?

To filter by multiple criteria, you can use the logical “AND” operator to combine multiple conditions. For example, if you want to filter by both name and age, you can use `if (name == “John” && age > 30)`. This will only return results that meet both conditions.

What if I want to filter by multiple criteria using OR logic?

To filter by multiple criteria using OR logic, you can use the logical “OR” operator to combine multiple conditions. For example, if you want to filter by either name or age, you can use `if (name == “John” || age > 30)`. This will return results that meet either condition.

How do I handle cases where I have a dynamic number of criteria?

When dealing with a dynamic number of criteria, you can use an array or list to store the criteria and then loop through it to apply the filters. For example, you can create an array of filter objects, where each object contains a property and a value, and then loop through the array to apply the filters using a logical AND or OR operation.

Can I use a switch statement to filter by multiple criteria?

While it’s technically possible to use a switch statement to filter by multiple criteria, it’s not usually the most efficient or scalable solution. Switch statements are best suited for handling a fixed number of discrete cases, whereas filtering by multiple criteria often requires more dynamic and flexible logic.

Are there any best practices for optimizing code that filters by multiple criteria?

Yes, there are several best practices for optimizing code that filters by multiple criteria. These include using efficient data structures, minimizing the number of iterations, and using caching or memoization to reduce the computational overhead. Additionally, consider using libraries or frameworks that provide optimized filtering functionality, such as LINQ in .NET or underscore.js in JavaScript.

Criterion Description
Age Determines the user’s age group (minor, young adult, adult, senior)
Location Determines the user’s location group (urban dweller, suburbanite, rural resident)
Occupation Determines the user’s occupation group (tech savvy, creative type, unknown)