FastAPI Dependency is not getting overridden: A Step-by-Step Solution [SOLVED] [CLOSED]
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FastAPI Dependency is not getting overridden: A Step-by-Step Solution [SOLVED] [CLOSED]

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall because your FastAPI dependency is not getting overridden? Well, buckle up, friend, because you’ve landed on the right page! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FastAPI dependencies, explore the common pitfalls, and provide a step-by-step solution to get your overrides working like a charm. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding FastAPI Dependencies

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how FastAPI dependencies work. In FastAPI, dependencies are a way to inject external services or objects into your application. These dependencies can be anything from databases to third-party APIs, and they’re injected into your application using the Depends function.

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends

app = FastAPI()

async def get_db():
    db = DatabaseSession()
        yield db

async def read_items(db: DatabaseSession = Depends(get_db)):

In the above example, the get_db function is a dependency that returns a database session. The read_items endpoint uses this dependency to interact with the database.

The Problem: Dependency Not Getting Overridden

Now, let’s assume you want to override the get_db dependency in a specific situation. You might want to use a test database or a mock database for testing purposes. However, when you try to override the dependency, it’s not getting picked up by FastAPI.

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends

app = FastAPI()

async def get_db():
    db = DatabaseSession()
        yield db

async def get_test_db():
    db = TestDatabaseSession()
        yield db

async def read_items(db: DatabaseSession = Depends(get_db)):

async def read_test_items(db: TestDatabaseSession = Depends(get_test_db)):

In the above example, you’d expect the read_test_items endpoint to use the get_test_db dependency, but it’s still using the original get_db dependency. This is because FastAPI caches dependencies by their path and function name. Since the path and function name of both dependencies are the same, FastAPI thinks they’re the same dependency and uses the cached version.

Solution: Using a Unique Dependency Key

The solution to this problem is to use a unique dependency key for each dependency. You can do this by passing a unique string to the Depends function.

from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends

app = FastAPI()

async def get_db():
    db = DatabaseSession()
        yield db

async def get_test_db():
    db = TestDatabaseSession()
        yield db

async def read_items(db: DatabaseSession = Depends("db")):

async def read_test_items(db: TestDatabaseSession = Depends("test-db")):

In the above example, we’ve added unique strings (“db” and “test-db”) to the Depends function. This tells FastAPI to create a new dependency for each endpoint, and the overrides will work as expected.

Best Practices for Dependency Overrides

Now that we’ve solved the problem, let’s discuss some best practices for dependency overrides:

  1. Use unique dependency keys: As we’ve seen, using unique dependency keys is essential for overrides to work correctly. Make sure to use a different key for each dependency.
  2. Keep dependency logic separate: Keep the logic for each dependency separate and distinct. This makes it easier to maintain and override dependencies.
  3. Use meaningful dependency names: Use meaningful names for your dependencies and overrides. This makes it easier to understand the code and reduces confusion.
  4. Test your overrides: Always test your overrides to ensure they’re working as expected. This helps catch any issues early on and reduces debugging time.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When working with FastAPI dependencies, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Not using unique dependency keys: As we’ve seen, not using unique dependency keys can lead to overrides not working correctly.
  • Overriding dependencies globally: Avoid overriding dependencies globally, as this can lead to unexpected behavior and make it harder to debug issues.
  • Not testing overrides: Not testing overrides can lead to issues going unnoticed until it’s too late.


In conclusion, FastAPI dependencies can be a powerful tool for injecting external services or objects into your application. However, when it comes to overriding dependencies, it’s essential to use unique dependency keys and follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to override dependencies with ease and take your FastAPI application to the next level.

Dependency Override
get_db get_test_db

If you’re still facing issues with dependency overrides, feel free to ask in the comments below. We’re always happy to help!

Frequently Asked Question

FastAPI dependency is not getting overridden – 5 common questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and solve the issue!

Why is my FastAPI dependency not getting overridden?

This is likely because the dependency is not being properly registered or injected. Make sure you have decorated the dependency with the `@inject` annotation and registered it in your FastAPI application using the `dependencies` parameter.

How do I debug my FastAPI dependency override issue?

Use the `FastAPI.debug` option to enable debug mode, which will provide more detailed error messages. You can also use tools like `pdb` or `pytest` to step through your code and see where the dependency is being resolved.

Can I override a dependency for a specific route in FastAPI?

Yes, you can! Use the `dependencies` parameter on the route decorator (e.g., `@app.get(“/”)`) to specify a custom dependency override for that specific route.

What is the difference between `depends` and `dependency_overrides` in FastAPI?

`depends` is used to specify the dependencies required by a route or endpoint, while `dependency_overrides` is used to override the default dependencies with custom implementations.

Where can I find more resources on FastAPI dependency injection?

Check out the official FastAPI documentation on dependency injection, as well as online forums like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit’s r/fastapi community.