Stacktraces: How to Identify the Script (When Using Dynamic Scripts)?
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Stacktraces: How to Identify the Script (When Using Dynamic Scripts)?

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Welcome to the wild world of debugging! In this article, we’re going to tackle one of the most frustrating issues developers face: identifying the culprit script in a stacktrace when using dynamic scripts. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to learn the secrets of script identification!

What are Dynamic Scripts?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly define what dynamic scripts are. Dynamic scripts are pieces of code that are generated or executed at runtime, rather than being hardcoded into your application. They can come from various sources, such as:

  • Client-side JavaScript generated by your application
  • Third-party libraries or plugins
  • AJAX requests or JSONP responses
  • User-generated content (e.g., comments or user-input data)

Dynamic scripts can be powerful tools, but they can also make debugging a nightmare. When an error occurs, identifying the script responsible can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

The Challenge of Identifying Scripts in a Stacktrace

A stacktrace is a list of functions or methods that were called in sequence, leading up to an error or exception. In a typical stacktrace, you’ll see a mixture of function names, file names, and line numbers. But when dealing with dynamic scripts, the picture becomes murkier:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (VM10872:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (VM10872:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM10872:1), <anonymous>:1:122)
    at Function.<anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM10872:1), <anonymous>:1:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM10872:1), <anonymous>:1:15)

As you can see, the function names and file names are obscured, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact script responsible for the error. This is because dynamic scripts are often executed in an evaluated context, which hides their true origins.

Method 1: Using the Browser’s Developer Tools

Luckily, modern browsers have built-in developer tools that can help you identify the script. Here’s how:

  1. Open the browser’s developer tools (F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I)
  2. Switch to the Sources or Debugger tab
  3. Look for the script that’s currently being executed (usually indicated by a blue arrow or a pause symbol)
  4. Check the Call Stack section, which shows the sequence of function calls leading up to the error
  5. Hover over or click on the topmost function in the call stack to reveal the script’s source code

In Chrome, you can also use the debugger keyword to pause the execution at a specific point, allowing you to inspect the call stack and script context.

Method 2: Adding Debug Information to Dynamic Scripts

Another approach is to add debug information to your dynamic scripts. This can be done by:

  • Using a JavaScript obfuscator that preserves source maps
  • Adding debug comments or annotations to your dynamic script code
  • Wrapping your dynamic script code in a try-catch block with a custom error handler

For example, you can add a debug comment to your dynamic script like this:

eval("(function() {
  // debug marker: my-dynamic-script-123
  var x = undefined.length;

Then, when the error occurs, you can search for the debug marker in the stacktrace to identify the script:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at Object.<anonymous> (VM10872:1)
    at Object.<anonymous> (VM10872:1)
    at // debug marker: my-dynamic-script-123

Method 3: Using a Third-Party Debugging Library

There are also third-party libraries and tools that can help you identify dynamic scripts in a stacktrace. Some popular options include:

  • SourceMap Explorer
  • Debuggable
  • JavaScript Error Tracker

These libraries can provide additional debug information, such as source maps, that can help you pinpoint the script responsible for the error.

Method 4: Analyzing the Script Context

In some cases, you can analyze the script context to infer the script’s identity. This might involve:

  • Examining the script’s execution context (e.g., global object, this context)
  • Checking the script’s dependencies or imports
  • Inspecting the script’s DOM manipulation or event listeners

For example, if the error occurs in a script that’s manipulating a specific DOM element, you can infer that the script is related to that element’s functionality.


Identifying the script responsible for an error in a stacktrace can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with dynamic scripts. However, by using the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most obscure errors.

Method Description
Using the Browser’s Developer Tools Use the browser’s built-in dev tools to inspect the call stack and script context.
Adding Debug Information to Dynamic Scripts Add debug comments, annotations, or source maps to dynamic scripts to aid in identification.
Using a Third-Party Debugging Library Utilize third-party libraries that provide additional debug information and tools.
Analyzing the Script Context Infer the script’s identity by examining its execution context, dependencies, and DOM manipulation.

Remember, debugging is an art that requires patience, persistence, and creativity. By combining these methods, you’ll become a master script detective, capable of tracking down even the most elusive errors.

Final Tips

  • Always maintain a clean and organized codebase to reduce the complexity of debugging.
  • Use meaningful variable names and function names to improve code readability.
  • Implement error handling and logging mechanisms to catch errors early.

Now, go forth and conquer those pesky stacktraces!

Frequently Asked Question

Stacktraces can be a game-changer when debugging dynamic scripts, but what happens when you can’t identify the script causing the issue? Fear not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered.

How do I identify the script when the stacktrace only shows anonynomous functions?

When working with dynamic scripts, the stacktrace might only show anonymous functions, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact script. In this case, you can try using the debugger’s “Blackbox” or “ignore” feature to ignore the anonymous functions and focus on the surrounding code. This will help you identify the script that’s causing the issue.

What if the stacktrace doesn’t show any useful information?

Don’t worry! If the stacktrace doesn’t provide any useful information, you can try adding debug logging to your script. This will help you pinpoint the exact line of code that’s causing the issue. You can also use a debugger to step through the code and identify the problem area.

Can I use a try-catch block to identify the script?

Yes, you can use a try-catch block to identify the script by wrapping the dynamic script in a try-catch block and logging the error. This will allow you to catch the error and identify the script that’s causing the issue. However, be careful not to overuse try-catch blocks, as they can make your code harder to read and debug.

What tools can I use to identify the script?

There are several tools you can use to identify the script, such as Chrome DevTools, Firefox Developer Edition, or Node.js Inspector. These tools provide advanced debugging features, such as breakpoints, call stacks, and variable inspection, that can help you identify the script causing the issue.

Can I use a third-party library to identify the script?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that can help you identify the script, such as Source Maps, which provide a mapping between the original code and the compiled code. These libraries can help you pinpoint the exact script and line of code causing the issue.